Saturday, February 28, 2009
Honestly though, I just hate it. Here's hoping to get well quickly!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Building Bridges
I mentioned in an earlier post about the nature of relationships being key to a selling process and today I had another insight about it. People who don't build relationships don't understand why it is so important. At times individuals will look to the work you do and question why it is valuable - the reality is relationships build into sales, commitment and effective business.
Monday, February 23, 2009
In God We Trust?
The thing which actually was commented on most by the public was the potential addition of the phrase "In God We Trust" to Council chambers. Of six speakers, only one was in favor of the proposal, 4 against and two opted not to comment (myself included - though I feel quite strongly opposed to it). Amazingly, the Council seemed to ignore public comment and passed it 5 to 0. I was shocked. Then I reflected, should I really be shocked? We live in a society which likes to acknowledge "safe" things - Girl Scouts, the response of the Fire Department and arrests of drunks, but to really examine the foundations of what our City is based on, our elected officials just blithely prosteletize about how "wonderful and appropriate" the motto is. Why do we live in a culture where the baby-boomer feels that as long as they "bless" it, it must be good?
Sunday, February 22, 2009
All I ever needed to know. . .
Most of what I really need to know about how to live, and what to do, and how to be, I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top the graduate school mountain, but there in the sand box at nursery school.
These are the things I learned. Share everything. Play fair. Don't hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don't take things that aren't yours. Say you are sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. Flush. Warm cookies and cold milk are food for you. Live a balanced life. Learn some and think some and draw some and paint and sing and dance and play and work everyday.
Take a nap every afternoon. When you go out in the world, watch for traffic, hold hands, and stick together. Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the plastic cup? The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why. We are like that.
And then remember that book about Dick and Jane and the first word you learned, the biggest word of all: LOOK! Everything you need to know is there somewhere. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation, ecology, and politics and the sane living.
Think of what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about 3 o'clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap. Or we had a basic policy in our nation and other nations to always put thing back where we found them and clean up our own messes. And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out in the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.
Doesn't that all make sense?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? Perhaps, but luxury is not something as fully subjective. All five homes were remarkably luxurious, but what really is luxury? According to the Free Dictionary, it is:
1. Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort.
2. Something expensive or hard to obtain.
3. Sumptuous living or surroundings.
All five of the homes I toured definitely fit the second two definitions, but it was the first definition, which convinced me of a dividing line between everyday luxury and extraordinary luxury. It is what is fun and entertaining to have but certainly not a necessity in your life. Art or views could play a part in some of the consideration of luxury, but more often it is the use of space, light, furnishings, electronics and the convenience of choice, which defines luxury in a home. I saw a remarkable in-home theatre, infinity pool and fire, amazing water features, trompe-l'oeil walls, ceilings and vistas of oceans, nature trails, art, rich furnishings, sumptuous fabrics and gardens galore. I felt that the American Dream was alive and well for these homes and more importantly their owners & families. It was not a celebration of excess, but a celebration of the attainment of what people desired in their own environment.
This humility and pride coupled together is part of what makes the American Dream so great. We can be pleased with our accomplishments and generous in sharing it with others. They in turn can appreciate it. In one home in particular, there was a very creative family crest done with a modern take in one of the most delightful bar rooms I had ever seen. In yet another, the interior was the showcase among amazing patterns, décor and artistic elements. Finally, in another, a fellow judge commented to me “why with all of this, there is never a reason to leave.” I concur.
So with all of the terrible news in the stock market, late night state budget, housing bubbles bursting and grim financial issues, negotiations where no one seems to win, Seal Beach can hold its head high. We have a community where individuals can survive and prosper – just like the American Dream, entrepreneurship and our own community newspaper, The Sun. Luxury, the idea of “sumptuous living” is alive and well. Congratulations to all of the owners of these homes for sharing and also being proud enough of their accomplishment to be generous with it. Thanks for helping us all strive to be more successful professionals and remember to shop local!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Patterns and Perception
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Perception and illusion
Images and perception play a huge role in our lives. These two visual or optical illusions demonstrate this. The Impossible Chess Set is by Sandro Del Prete @ 1975 and next to it is a old crone, or is it a young ingenue? An optical illusion is a visually perceived image that, at least in common sense terms, is deceptive or misleading. The information gathered by the eye is processed by the brain to give, on the face of it, a "percept" that does not tally with a physical measurement of the stimulus source. It is the two dimensional affect of the magician's or artist's sleight of hand. Cognitive illusions are assumed to arise by interaction with assumptions about the world, leading to "unconscious inferences", an idea first suggested in the 19th century by Hermann Helmholtz. Cognitive illusions are commonly divided into ambiguous illusions, distorting illusions, paradox illusions, or fiction illusions (hallucinations).
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Stimulus? An Excerpt from Wikipedia (my comments at the end)
- Aggregate demand and the level of economic activity;
- The pattern of resource allocation;
- The distribution of income.
- A neutral stance of fiscal policy implies a balanced budget where G = T (Government spending = Tax revenue). Government spending is fully funded by tax revenue and overall the budget outcome has a neutral effect on the level of economic activity.
- An expansionary stance of fiscal policy involves a net increase in government spending (G > T) through rises in government spending or a fall in taxation revenue or a combination of the two. This will lead to a larger budget deficit or a smaller budget surplus than the government previously had, or a deficit if the government previously had a balanced budget. Expansionary fiscal policy is usually associated with a budget deficit.
- A contractionary fiscal policysurplus than the government previously had, or a surplus if the government previously had a balanced budget. Contractionary fiscal policy is usually associated with a surplus.
Some classical economists argue that fiscal policy can have no stimulus effect; this is known as the Treasury View, and categorically rejected by Keynesian economics, which is predicated on fiscal stimulus being possible.
During periods of high economic growth, a budget surplus can be used to decrease activity in the economy. A budget surplus will be implemented in the economy if inflation is high, in order to achieve the objective of price stability. The removal of funds from the economy will, by Keynesian theory, reduce levels of aggregate demand in the economy and contract it, bringing about price stability.
Despite the importance of fiscal policy, a paradox exists. In the case of a government running a budget deficit, funds will need to come from public borrowing (the issue of government bonds), overseas borrowing or the printing of new money. When governments fund a deficit with the release of government bonds, an increase in interest rates across the market can occur. This is because government borrowing creates higher demand for credit in the financial markets, causing a lower aggregate demand (AD) due to the lack of disposable income, contrary to the objective of a budget deficit. This concept is called crowding out. Alternatively, governments may increase government spending by funding major construction projects. This can also cause crowding out because of the lost opportunity for a private investor to undertake the same project. Another problem is the time lag between the implementation of the policy and detectable effects in the economy. An expansionary fiscal policy (decreased taxes or increased government spending) is usually intended to produce an increase in aggregate demand; however, an unchecked spiral in aggregate demand will lead to inflation. Hence, checks need to be kept in place." - Thanks !
What does all of this mean? In my humble view, the government is not going to be successful in "spending" its way out of the recession. We need to affect the heart of the matter - our behavior as consituents and consumers. Quite simply, we expect too much and we know too little. We also don't think about the value that we produce in our own economy. Do we really need all the things we are told to buy on television or in media? Do we need to take as many drugs as we do? Do we need to drink as much or as often? Our expections of reward are far out of line with the value we create. Take a good look at your quality of life and really reflect on the things you consume. Do you need all that you have? Or do you simply want it? For that matter, are the things you posess simply a placeholder or a way to keep score? Our government has spent decades doing the same thing. If we have more weapons, we must have the greater society.
I am not convinced. I am futher not convinced that we deserve all that we have. Perhaps a readjustment of what we have is in order. Hopefully it will be peaceful. I wish government would do less to interfere with my life and the lives of those around me. I wish government would protect, educate and serve. Right now I feel like we are sliding ever more quickly into socialism. The wants or needs of the masses will never be satisfied and will never be reasonable. What has happened to reason?
Monday, February 16, 2009
I can even empathize as one of the sales people for a product. Times are hard and finding the right "sell" which will convince an advertiser in this economy to spend money, that has value. As I look at both sides of the issue, it is clear what does work - relationship building. It is equally clear what doesn't work - pressure.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentine's Day Musings
When I look at the person I am today, I am thankful not only for Anthony, but all those who have come before, from Robin to Amy, from Chris to Jimmy & Ryan. I think in their own way, parents (if we are fortunate) also travel with us through our journey. So thanks to all of my parents!
Great love yields confidence. Ultimately, confidence and security let each of us take the careful risks that help us to grow and become sucessful.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Focusing on the Positive
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Like the photo of this building, standing tall and slightly differently than others around it - so are entrepreneurs. Our capacity is as much design (what is intrinsic to us), and one of maintenance & improvement (how we expend effort to expand our capacity). Look to work to your capacity and expand it over time!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Building a business is an investment not only of time and money, but your emotions and passion. Some days may seem more challenging than others, but like the Field of Dreams - "If you build it, they will come."
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Isolating the Difference. . .
Saturday, February 7, 2009
A few beautiful photos
Friday, February 6, 2009
Reflections on Integrity
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Some Work Affirmations Thanks to SZC
- The Universe freely hand me work I love to do.
- I do all my work with a free spirit.
- I always have a great source of energy for my work
- I am doing work I love to do.
- I have everything I need to perform the tasks in front of me.
- I have the right amount of time to easily and comfortably do all my jobs.
- I see all my work as opportunity to express myself.
- I see all my work as opportunity to develop myself.
- I see all my work as opportunity to reach greater levels of achievement.
- I am sincere and honest at any job I do.
- My efforts always bring accomplishment.
- My efforts always bring monetary reward.
- Work is my opportunity everyday to become a more accomplished, more aware, wiser person.
- I am efficient, thoughtful, creative, wise, and skilled in the work I do.
- I always feel respect from people working with me.
- My love of what I do brings me success.
- I am very fortunate to be able to work at what I love to do.
- The Universe is always giving me opportunities to advance in my career.
- Everything I do turns into success.
- People love working with me and around me.
- I am the kind of person other people love to work around and have as a work partner.
- I attract to me, other positive minded people with also have steady and sure success in all they do.
- Any work before me is a golden opportunity to learn, explore, develop, understand, contribute, achieve, build, promote, help anything I desire.
- A deep storehouse of extremely positive resourceful thinking manifests within me.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Easy Win
Monday, February 2, 2009
Strategic Partnerships
- Advertising / Branding - Each impression of a business identity is worth money. Further, providing an outlet for another business to have some of your space is advertising. If you pay to advertise above urinals in a restroom, having materials in your business should be of value. This may be only in one direction - if so, it is worth cash. Things like brochures, business cards and other print collateral fall in this category.
- Referrals - Each customer which comes to you should be "compensatable." Also, consider if the referrals are returned. If so this is a roughly equal exchange. I recommend that this should go in both directions in nearly every case.
- Experiences / Product Sampling - Often you will need to experience a given product or service before you are able to sell it or recommend it to one of your clients. I suggest that you expect generous samples of the product or service both for you and for clients you refer. Referrals work well if the client receives some additional value for following your recommendation.
- Marketing / Showcasing opportunities - There may be chances to conduct seminars, lectures, group classes or provide a format for many people to be exposed to a given person or product. Make sure these are in a mutually agreed on format with mutually agreed on costs and revenue (if any.) Generally this also goes in both directions.