Saturday, November 29, 2008
Objective Attained
Friday, November 28, 2008
Holiday Tree Lighting

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Being Thankful
- The insights, comments and laughter you have shared with me
- The love and affection
- Your trust
- Your business
- Our experiences together
- The work we do and have done together
- Your time
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Coming from Greatness
What do you do when someone asks for a refund? In small business, how meaningful is a single customer? How do you treat someone when you feel that returning their money is not fully fair? Particularly in a tight economic time? What if a client simply doesn't pay you for services rendered?
Wow - these things do come up, perhaps more often than any of us would like. For me, in the last 4 years, I have been been in the situation of a client owing me money three times. In each case the money was substantial (to me) and my angst over it was significant. In none of the instances was I short of providing value - something had changed on the part of the client, and they were either unable or unwilling to pay me. The first two times I really got upset about it, by the third time, I was simply resigned.
Small business ownership exposes us to risk. This risk comes in many ways, but most often, we are held at our word and expect others to hold to theirs. My recommendation is to realize that a small percentage of projects/clients/customers will not follow through, but the majority will. That being said, when someone asks for their money back or simply never pays you - hold your tongue, take a deep breath and realize that if you come from greatness and simply allow it to pass, it will come back to you in ways you never expected. As I near Thanksgiving, I am thankful for all the people who I have touched (or who have touched me) in my journey with Black Marble Consulting. So remember to come from greatness and be particularly thankful for each and every experience.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Friends and listening
As he shared, it helped me put some client issues into perspective, and provided some insight for how to help them better. His story triggered additional thoughts in my mind about what was happening both in his workplace and in the client's. I think it also really helped him to share it.
I miss the time spent with close friends just checking in on their life and feeling how they are. Do you ever miss it? I wish there was a way to connect quickly over long distances which is easy and inexpensive and not "virtually." Remember to take time for them - they will help you in ways you never imagined.
Early Thanksgiving & Birthday thoughts

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Holidays & Shopping
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tribal Leadership and Staff meetings
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A Day without a Gay - 12/10/08
I would strongly encourage you if you support equal rights to close your business, take the day off, volunteer or create positive change on that day for human rights. What is a single day out of your life? We give so much to the workplace - why not simply acknowledge equality for a single day for people like me who are fighting for it.
Make a difference. Be an ally.
Old Friends

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Weekly objectives
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Power of Priority
So today, I took some time to be present in my own body, without letting my mind be racing for a solution or insight. My friend Josh, talked to me a great deal about meditation and the process of clearing the mind of thought in order to expand conciousness and derive harmony. This let me recharge.
As a result, several solution sets for challenges became apparent and my stress level declined immensely. I felt able to handle everything easily and with out pain. What a great place to be! So to all of my fellow entrepreneurs, remember to as my father says "make haste slowly" - slow down, be present in the now and rest your mind. Solutions will present themselves and you will be far less anxietous than you were when you were filled with the urgency of the world. As I mentioned yesterday - have a real sense of urgency, but don't feel compelled to fill every moment.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Timing and Respect
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The Power of Reading
It was remarkable that within just a few moments I could recall dozens of titles of books which thrill me and have taught me valuable lessons. So please, take a moment, get a book and feed your mind. Go get a library card - you can read in the USA for nearly nothing. Enjoy.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Politics, Parking and Business
Friday, November 7, 2008
Creating advertising value in a tough economy
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Proposition Hate
Monday, November 3, 2008
Pre election night musings - Proposition 8
Along these lines I am thinking hard about Proposition 8. What an unfair piece of legislation.
My partner Anthony and I have lived here in Seal Beach, CA for the last two years and we are seriously considering marriage both here and in the UK (since he is British). We have been together for 8 years in what many would describe as a "marriage." Why our actual contract of marriage in the state of California would affect anyone else seems completely absurd to me. Life is too short to let others interfere with our life and pursuit of happiness. If there was another word which was as integrated within the legal system so that we could enjoy ALL of the same rights and benefits as a marriage, I would be fine with using that word. Ironic that people choose semantics to create a "bastion of righteousness." So very absurd.
In the world, I would think there are more meaningful issues we could solve or fight for. "Sanctity" or "righteousness" just seems to vague, social and petty anymore to me. I hope everyone who is eligible gets out and votes tomorrow. It is a duty for all citizens.
My first post - an Op-Ed piece
My clients range in size and location, so I thought talking about the state of business now, when the economy was in flux was a good time. Anyway, here it is:
Why is business growth important? What do you do again? Why should I join the Chamber of Commerce? Why do you help produce so many events, if you are not like getting paid for it? How is your business doing?
I get these questions a lot, particularly lately with the stock market and Wall Street in a stunning period of volatility and our economy in the worst state it has been in at least the last 30 years. As my Economics professor told me getting my MBA, “stagflation” is the worst position for an economy can be in – and we are there. This period, when the economy is stagnant and the value of our currency is declining (resulting in inflation) it is very distressing. What does any of this have to do with our Seal Beach? Well, after being here for two years and working closely with the Chamber, City and various clients I thought it would be important in this election year to talk about the fundamental role of business in a community. As a consultant, I constantly observe and analyze business, so I can sum it up in a single word – growth.
The arguable measure of any community is its ability to create a quality living experience for all members of that community. We have seen through the fall of the Berlin wall, the collapse of the former Soviet Union and in countless attempt to control market economies that the regulation of business in excess results in contraction. In our town, the ability to shop, work, educate and live in the same geographic space is part of the magic that makes Seal Beach so special. Thankfully, many of our merchants are still doing well. Part of that is due to local residents keeping their discretionary spending in the local market. The events in Seal Beach are such that all residents can enjoy them – this leads to shopping and spending with our businesses. When those events have lots of community support – government, business and resident, than a community can truly reap the benefits of this positive spiral of growth. We not only have local support, we attract visitors and their spending. Business drives this growth through job creation and value creation within a community. We can outshine other cities and towns in California, by all working together to resist the divisiveness that economic strain produces in all of us.
Though there are many disagreements in our community about property rights, community benefits and various measures on the ballot, I hope we can recognize that everyone in the community wants to have the “best town” according to their vision. We should strive to find the common ground for all members of Seal Beach and supporting the engine of growth – our local businesses. Come to the October 25th – 26th Sidewalk Sale, dress up for Halloween and shop in our various business centers, come out to our Christmas tree lighting on November 28th and participate in the spectacular Holiday parade on December 5th! Get out there, vote for what you believe in, but don’t neglect to vote with your dollars – by supporting local businesses and the events, which showcase them and ultimately our community.